台灣很幸運,疫情的影響相對較其他國家輕微一些,公益平台在年初所制定的工作計畫除了Taiwan Connection(TC)音樂節及廚藝營因為音樂家及指導老師需由國外來台,為了避免不可預期的旅行風險而暫停,其他專案皆順利進行。
台東人口逐年漸漸回流,花東若能走向永續一定需要在地人擔負起世代交替的責任。因此這二年公益平台提出Total Solution,希望政府或民間能夠一併思考教育、就業、長者照護三個問題,才能扶植脆弱瀕危的部落文化,及真正解決偏鄉廢村的問題。公益平台持續走在花東永續的路上,未曾稍息。
公益平台也參與了全台教育翻轉。今年已連續第四年投入教育部「初任教師研習」計畫,為每年二、三千位新任教師研習規劃課程及導入教育共學群機制;教育共學群是我從過去參加YPO(Young Presidents’ Organization 世界青年總裁協會)的Forum轉化到教育領域的一種做法,希望讓初任教師進入職場第一年,能透過彼此支持形成正向成長團體。目前共學群機制已成為初任教師研習計畫中不可或缺的特色,為了擴大影響力,公益平台也錄製師培影片,希望後續培訓時能夠有標準教材,
為了培養花東國際化的人才,台東均一中小學 2011年邀請嚴長壽董事長擔任董事長,進行實驗課程,更提供全額或部分獎學金支持來自低收、中低收、單親、隔代教養或是積極投入原住民文化工作,但無法全額支應學費的花東家庭進入均一就讀,這幾年已經有164位獎助生就讀於軍,其中約八成學生來自花東、離島蘭嶼及屏東偏鄉。均一期待他們所接受的優質教育,能夠翻轉他們的命運,假以時日他們能改變家鄉的未來。
2015年經過多方努力,學校延伸至12年級的高中教育,並更名為「均一國際教育實驗學校」。均一鼓勵高三畢業學生選擇換道超車出國就學,一方面提升英文能力,培養國際觀,另一方面也精進自己某項專業技能期待他們走出一條不同的成功路徑。過去三年非常感謝ACFI各位天使的捐款,支持均一高中畢業及在校共11位學生赴海外求學:其中五位就讀美國兩年制Community College,目前他們都已完成兩年學業,多數申請到美國四年制大學獎學金,接軌大學繼續就學;另外六位則進入UWC(United World Colleges),分別就讀於加拿大、德國、波西尼亞、哥斯大黎加、荷蘭以及大陸常熟的學區。
Dear ACFI Friends,
As the end of the year approaches, we would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation.
2020 is the tenth anniversary of the founding of our Taiwan partner, The Alliance Cultural Foundation (ACF). With the successful control of the coronavirus in Taiwan, all ACF projects moved forward as planned except for the cancellation of the Taiwan Connection Music Festival and Huatung Culinary Workshop due to travel restrictions.
With increased globalization, ACF recognizes the importance of cultural and environmental preservation in Taiwan. One of its missions is to create sustainable economic growth through tourism. During the past two-years, ACF has helped repackage travel experiences in the Changbin and Fengbin townships of Huatung and promoted these experiences on social media. ACF brought together local bed and breakfast, restaurant, and watersports operators to discuss achieving true sustainability in Huatung. Today, the once vacant townships are now vibrant with tourists.
In March, ACF supported the Paul Chiang: A Retrospective exhibition at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Mr. Chiang is a 78-year-old Taiwan abstract artist who spent over 30-years painting in Paris and New York. He now resides in Jinzun, Taitung. The exhibition attracted a total of 120,000 visitors from diverse age groups; the final week drew 30,000 visitors. In the spring of 2023. The Paul Chiang Art Center will open in Jinzun, Taitung. The Art Center hopes to serve as a platform that will re-energize the rich artistic culture and tradition of Huatung. In the next two years, ACF will help plan its operations and programs.
ACF has become a leader in Taiwan’s education reform and acts as an incubator for many nonprofit education organizations. During the past four year, ACF has continued to support the founder of the Sharestart teaching method, Benson Chang. Sharestart is now recognized in the teaching communities in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. Mr. Chang also conducted a series of workshops in the US introducing the Sharestart method to Chinese teachers in the U.S. In August 2020, Chang successfully launched the Sharestart Education Foundation
ACF has also collaborated with Weiying Lan, an accomplished teacher. Ms. Lan, together with educational consultants, conduct workshops for Huatung teachers in curriculum integration. Ms. Lan is the CEO of the Junyi Center for Teaching and Learning. She coaches Junyi teachers to successfully integrate MOE’s 2019 curriculum. Ms. Lan has trained over 90 professional education consultants who in turn are providing curriculum support at 160 schools throughout Taiwan.
Since 2017, at the invitation of Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, ACF began to co-lead MOE’s annual induction training for new teachers. Each year, ACF plans the training curriculum for 2,000-3,000 new teachers. It uses a forum, like the one used by the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), to train teachers. This Forum allows first year teachers to share and learn best practices. ACF also created an online training program for experienced moderators to train future moderators, thereby expanding the Forum’s outreach.
In 2021, ACF will launch “The Listener” initiative. Due to rising rate of suicide and youth depression in Taiwan, particularly among 15 to 24-year-olds, ACF plans to integrate professional expertise and resources to train teachers in the basic skills of listening and mentoring and learn to detect early mental illness. ACF will also introduce a simple model that can be widely and easily adapted across campuses to serve as a first line of defense against mental illness.
ACFI’s other partner, the Junyi School of Innovation, whose mission is to nurture young global citizens, continues to support the Junyi Scholarship Program which provides full or partial scholarships to financially underprivileged youths and indigenous youths from Taiwan’s remote regions. Since the program’s founding in 2011, 164-students have benefited; among them, 80% are from Huatung, Pingtung and Orchid Island. Junyi hopes better education will change the lives of these youths as well as the futures of their communities.
Junyi encourages its graduates to pursue an unconventional path through study abroad. It hopes students will improve English fluency, increase international awareness, and develop a love of learning. With the support from ACFI donors during the past three years, a total of 11 students had the opportunity to pursue education overseas; five has completed their two-year study at US community colleges and are continuing their education in four-year university programs. The remaining six are enrolled in different United World College campuses located in Bosnia, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Germany, and the Netherlands.
Recognizing the global economy has been significantly affected by the pandemic, we are extra grateful for your ongoing support to ACFI. Please note we now have the capability to accept online donations, (acfus.org/ways-to-give).
ACFI is committed to support better education for Huatung youth and projects that will preserve Huatung’s unique culture and pristine environment through sustainable economic growth. We look forward to working with you to change lives for many generations to come.
Thank you and best wishes for a happy and healthy new year!
Julia Hsiao on behalf of your friends at the
Alliance Cultural Foundation International